Cancel Columbus! Patient Zero of the White Supremacist Plague

Cancel Columbus!

Patient Zero of the White Supremacist Plague


Timothy McGettigan, PhD

Professor of Sociology

Colorado State University-Pueblo


Earl Smith, PhD

Professor of Sociology

University of Delaware


White supremacy begins and ends with Columbus. Cancel Columbus. Cancel white supremacy.

Imagine a world in which

human beings

treat human beings

like human beings 

Why is that so hard to imagine?

Introduction - The Worst Plague in History

The most devastating plague ever to strike humanity was not a virus. COVID 19 is awful,

the Spanish Flu was horrific, the Bubonic Plague was hideous, but white supremacist racism

has been the most devastating contagion ever to ravage humanity. What other contagion

has maliciously invaded, terrorized, and annihilated the indigenous inhabitants of entire

continents for the past 500+ years?

Many people believe that racism has always existed in its current form. But that's not true.

Racism is a form of sadism (Meloy, 1997) that ebbs and flows in response to capricious

social policy shifts. Quite simply, racist social policies create racist societies. By the same

token, anti-racist policies create anti-racist societies (McGettigan and Smith, 2016). It's a

two-way street, so never lose hope. But it is certainly an uphill trudge. 

White supremacist racism emanated from a specific set of historical events. Before

Christopher Columbus journeyed to the western hemisphere, there was no such thing as

white supremacist racism (Mann 2005, 2011). To this day, white supremacists insist that

they are innately superior to those they despise (Horne, 2018; Kusz, 2017; Wade, 2014).

However, there is no scientific evidence to support those claims, and no one clung to such

erroneous beliefs prior to 1492 (Malott, 2011). It was not until Columbus blundered into

the New World (Bigelow, 1998) that greedy Europeans invented white supremacist racism

as part of a diabolical scheme to secure uncontested ownership of the Western Hemisphere.

For the Love of God?!?

When Pope Alexander IV got wind of Columbus’ experiences in the New World, he sensed

an opportunity. Though one might expect the leader of a benevolent religion to embrace

the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere as sisters and brothers, Pope Alexander

IV had other ideas.

Instead of reaching out in fellowship, Pope Alexander IV decided to rob the Western

Hemisphere’s inhabitants of their lives, their way of life, their dignity, and most importantly,

their homeland.

Many people have wondered why Europeans were able to colonize so many new territories

during Europe’s *glorious* Age of Discovery (Todorov, 1984). Because the winners typically

write history (Zinn, 2010), apologists have often claimed that Europeans acquired colonies

all over the world due to their innate superiority (Wade, 2014). But, far from an exhibition

of intrinsic superiority, it was Europeans’ insatiable hunger for booty and ultra-violence that

powered their campaigns of colonial domination. If you doubt my word, check out the

marching orders that Pope Nicholas V issued to outbound European explorers/pirates:

...invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever,

and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities,

dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed

by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery(!!!), and to apply and appropriate

to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions,

possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit (Romanus


In sum, kill (or enslave) everyone you meet and steal their stuff. Apparently, human decency

isn’t a job requirement for the papacy.

Like good little Christian soldiers, European explorers took their papal marching orders to

heart and conducted the most gruesome genocide campaigns that the world has ever seen.

That's not a type of superiority to be proud of.

In spite of white supremacist claims to the contrary, biologically speaking all humans are

equal (Sussman, 2014). Not identical, but equal (McGettigan and Smith, 2016). Racists

attach enormous significance to minor cosmetic differences (e.g., skin tone, hair texture,

ear, eye, and nose shape) not because of their biological significance, but because of their

triviality (Spelsberg, 2011). Counterintuitively, racism tends to be vitriolic because of how

difficult it is to maintain categorical distinctions in a species that exhibits so much

uniformity (Montagu, 1964). The human penchant for ethno-blending--the technical term

for which is “reticulation” (Sapp, 2012)--makes a mockery of racist struggles to fabricate

ethnic purity (Hitler, 2000).

The biological facts are in: There is one human race and all humans are full-fledged members

of it. 

Severe social inequalities emerge as a consequence of unfair social policies rather than

innate superiority or inferiority (McGettigan and Smith, 2016). When they learned of its

existence, greedy Europeans decided to use any means necessary to acquire uncontested

ownership of the New World (Jaimes, 1992). Columbus (1991) himself reported that, like

all major landmasses as of 1492, the New World was densely-populated with indigenous

inhabitants. So, in order for greedy Europeans to claim the New World for themselves,

they would have to concoct social policies which granted themselves permission to coldly,

callously obliterate the Western Hemisphere’s countless inhabitants (Deloria, 1995). 

What kind of sickos do stuff like that?

WTF!! No One Could Do Anything So Horrible…Could They?

Here we must pause to consider the staggering ruthlessness involved in meticulously

extirpating the inhabitants of an entire hemisphere (Smith, 2015). Everyone knows that

theft and murder are crimes. We all learned that in Kindergarten, right? We also know

that people who commit crimes in the service of greed are bad eggs: they are criminals

with a capital C. Furthermore, robbing and murdering a fellow human being is downright

unconscionable. Now, try to imagine how much more awful is it to coldly, calculatingly rob,

rape, and murder the inhabitants of an entire hemisphere into oblivion? Even worse, the

perpetrators of New World genocide crafted a narrative that made them out to be heroes

rather than villains for their monstrous misdeeds (Wolfe, 2006).

What kind of sickos do stuff like that?

There are no words to describe horrors of such magnitude. Nevertheless, that is precisely

what Pope Alexander IV and his cronies set out to accomplish (i.e., unrestricted and

unrepentant genocide) via the Doctrine of Discovery.

So, how did Christopher Columbus come to be known as the discoverer of the New World

(Zinn, 2010)? The Doctrine of Discovery stated that non-Christians were non-people. Bald-

faced lie though it was, Pope Alexander IV insisted that Columbus was the first “Real Man”

to set foot in the New World. In so doing, Pope Al IV also invented the fiction of white

male supremacy (i.e., white men matter, but Others don’t).

PAUSE: Nah! That can't be right! Just because a greedy, cold-hearted Pope claimed that

non-Christians should be raped, robbed and murdered out of existence doesn’t mean that

his devoted Christian followers would ever carry out such depravity... 

...would they?!?

As far as greedy Europeans were concerned, if Pope Alexander IV stated that the Western

Hemisphere was Terra Nullius they needed no further convincing (Newcomb, 2008). The

countless millions of poor, innocent souls who died in the meat-grinder of Manifest Destiny

were, as far as Pope Alexander IV was concerned, naught but worthless heaps of collateral

damage.  What are human lives worth if they obstruct the path of a power-mongering Pope?

Bizarre as it may seem, this is literally the way that Columbus became anointed as the

Discoverer (in European minds) of the New World (Craven, 1942). Pope Alexander IV said

that Columbus was the first Real Man to set foot in the New World and that stone-cold lie

has conveniently defined reality for greedy Europeans ever since (Wolfe, 2006). Heck, if a

lie lines one's pockets, why argue?

Columbus Discovers America | Noticias Diarias de Engoo

While greedy Europeans profited enormously, the human cost of the Doctrine of

Discovery is almost too ghastly to countenance. Pope Alexander IV created a false,

but highly-consequential dichotomy between Christians and non-Christians. Though

that distinction involved naught but a simple cultural preference (NEWSFLASH: One

can either choose to be Christian or not, right?), Pope Alexander IV treated

Euro-Christianity as the sole criteria to determine an individual’s “worthiness” to

exist: Euro-Christians were exalted as Real Men, while non-Christians were reviled

as disposable sub-humans (Steuter and Wills, 2010). That false dichotomy also

provided a rationale for the white supremacist racism that plagues humanity to this

very day (Lehman, 2016): Greedy white men count. Others don’t.

Having been told that indigenous peoples were worthless subhumans, white supremacist

racists (including luminaries such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln,

Teddy Roosevelt, etc.) systematically carried out the hemispheric genocide that was

required to bring about Pope Alexander's fabled Manifest Destiny (Freehling, 1972;

Guyatt, 2016). 

As long as white supremacists cling to the transparent lie that indigenous peoples are

worthless subhumans there need be no moral reckoning for the unspeakable horrors upon

which The World’s Greatest Democracy has been built (Frederickson, 2015). That is why

the Heirs of Columbus remain doggedly determined to preserve the pathetic lie that

Columbus discovered America (Bigelow, 1998). The truth behind that lie is too horrible

for gentlefolk to ponder (Foner, 2016). The Heirs of Columbus have managed to keep

their dirty little secret under wraps for 500+ years, but, at long last the ugly truth is

finally being revealed.

"But why?" The Sons of Italy plead, "Why can't we perpetuate the insulting lie that

Christopher Columbus was a great American hero?"’

Because he was anything but.

Revealing the Ugly Truth

As with COVID 19, we can’t remedy an illness by pretending it doesn’t exist. If a white

supremacist contagion lurks among us, it will continue inflicting grievous harm until we

confront and cure it (Alexander, 2012; McGettigan and Smith, 2016; Obama, 2008).

trump-village-idiot-advice - The Political Punchline

That’s why every last Christopher Columbus statue needs to kiss the sidewalk ASAP.

Democracy won’t exist until we put an end to the lie that Columbus should be credited

for discovering an uninhabited New World. So long as we continue blinding ourselves with

the Columbus Myth, we’ll continue pretending that he and his heirs did not villainously

murder the rightful inhabitants of an entire hemisphere; all told, Manifest Destiny

qualifies as the most abominable crime in human history. 

Columbus was not a hero. The sooner we embrace that all-important truth, the sooner we

will be able to wipe out the enduring contagion of white supremacist murder and mayhem

that Columbus-worship both promotes and conceals (McGettigan and Smith, 2016). 

We can't change what Columbus and Pope Alexander IV did 500+ years ago. But we can

do everything in our power to prevent white supremacists from inflicting more injustice,

violence and horror now and in the future.

The people who erected Columbus statues did so out of admiration for the man who

brought white supremacy to the New World. It is unfortunate that they couldn’t have

poured their energy into more humanitarian projects.

Those who are determined to tear down Columbus statues do so in recognition of the

genocidal atrocities that greedy white supremacists have inflicted throughout the

Western Hemisphere--and far beyond!! Until every last Columbus statue has been laid

low white supremacy will continue hiding in plain sight and rotting the heart and soul of

The World's Greatest Democracy.


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